I'm experimenting.


I remember how much I don't like HTML.

I took a computer science principles in 10th grade, we did HTML, and I am remebering how boring it was. I much preferred Jython, a learning version of Python with turtle tracing to learn loops and all that sorta thing.

So, I was late to class today.

I was late, but this stuff is pretty easy, and my dad is an IT as well so if I needed help (I don't as this stuff just seems to come easily to me) I would be fine.


So as you've seen this sorta thing is easy, so lets have fun with this. I like to have fun! What kind of fun? I play a bunch of video-games, namely right now Smash Ultimate, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, few others here and there.

About Ryan Young

I am Ryan Young (that's my wiki page), a freshman in college, and three words I'd use to desccribe myself are curious, forward, and risky.

I love movies, and choosing just three favorites is very difficult, but I'll give it a shot.

  1. V for Vendetta
  2. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
  3. Pulp Fiction

There are tons that I love, these probably aren't my actual top three in this order, but they were the first I thought of.

My Favorite Pictures

Other things you should know about me

My schedule for Fall 2019

Current Course Schedule
Class Day and Time During Breaks
CHEM lecture M-W 5pm-6:15pm rest and work
ITECH T-R 10am-11:45am
ANTH T-R 3:30pm-4:45pm
HIST T-R 5pm-6:15pm
CHEM lab W 2pm-4:45pm
GEOG W 6:30pm-9pm

I am planning to visit Japan at some point, and I already know a lot, so let's get to planing.

General Itinerary
Time Activity
Day 1 Land in Tokyo, and immediately go on a bullet train up to Sendai. Spend the day there, big city but not too big.
Day 2 Go on smaller trains to some of the smaller northern Japan areas, making a point to go to Morioka and a few nice coastal towns.
Day 3 Need more than one day for that for sure, so stay at some nice inn, maybe with a hot spring, and do it again.
Day 4 Go up to Sapporo EARLY in the morning and spend the day.
Day 5 Take a plane down to tokyo again and spend the day around an airport. Don't go too far, just relax in the area. Then, go home after a night in a cheap love hotel or something.
Hey! Hope you leave!